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Bridgeland Offers Slate of Classes for Children

Area youngsters will have plenty to do this winter and spring with the continuation of several popular children’s classes in Bridgeland.Classes have multiple sessions through May and fees vary, although resident discounts apply to each class. Instructing the classes is Dona Martinez, an early childhood educator for the past nine years. She currently teaches art at a private Catholic school for children in grades three through eight. More information, including registration details, can be found at A description of the classes follows:• “The Storyteller and the Artist” is an interactive story hour that combines art and storytelling for children ages 2 to 5. Classes will be held from 10-10:45 a.m. Tuesdays at the Lakeland Activity Center and sessions are Jan. 4-25, Feb. 1-22, March 1-29, April 5-26 and May 3-31. Cost is $40 for Bridgeland residents and $50 for non-residents or participants can register for all sessions for $180.• “Movin’ and Shakin’ and Plain Silly Fun” is designed to teach children ages 2 to 5 rhythm using simple instruments. Participants also will have fun dancing and acting silly to energizing music. The class will meet from 10-10:45 a.m. Fridays at the Lakeland Activity Center during five sessions: Jan. 7-28, Feb. 4-25, March 4-25, April 1-22 and May 6-27. Cost is $30 for residents and $40 for non-residents. Registration for the entire semester is $150.• Saturday Morning Art explores a particular topic one Saturday per month through May. Classes are designed for children ages 5 and up and will be held from 10-11 a.m. at the Lakeland Activity Center. Dates and topics are: Jan. 15, Studio Art; Feb. 12, Paint & Play; March 12, Go Green; April 2, Textile; and May 21, Sculpture. Cost is $100 for residents and $110 for non-residents.• Parents can enjoy a night out from 6-10 p.m. two evenings each month while their children, ages 3 to 12, enjoy pizza, arts and crafts, karaoke, dancing, face painting, games, movies, snacks and more at the Lakeland Activity Center. Children must be potty-trained to participate. Dates are Jan. 14 and 22, Feb. 18 and 26, March 18 and 26, April 15 and 23, and May 20 and 28. Cost for Bridgeland residents is $20 for the first child and $15 for each additional child, while cost for non-residents is $30 for the first child and $25 for each additional child.For more information about Bridgeland, visit Partners in Building's model home at 12534 Brook Cove Dr, or call us at 281-304-9311.