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Summerwood Schools Receive Exemplary, Recognized Ratings

Summerwood schools in Humble, TX, fared very well in the new 2010 Accountability Ratings just released by the Texas Education Agency.Summerwood Elementary School and Lakeshore Elementary School, the two elementary campuses attended by all of Summerwood’s young students, both received ratings of Exemplary, the highest designation awarded by the TEA.An Exemplary rating means that a campus must have at least 90 percent of its students meet or exceed the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) standard on each subject, including Reading, English/Language Arts, Math, Writing, Social Studies and Science.  A campus must also have a dropout rate of 2 percent or less to earn an Exemplary rating.Summer Creek High School, which opened in 2009 across Beltway 8 from Summerwood, received a Recognized rating from the TEA.Beginning in August, 2010, Summerwood students will also attend Woodcreek Middle School, located onsite in Summerwood.“Outstanding schools are a major reason why Summerwood has consistently ranked as one of the leading new-home communities in the Humble/Northeast Houston submarket, as well as the overall Houston market,” said Kayla Webb, marketing director for Newland Communities. “We applaud the students, parents, faculty and all community members for their hard work and achievements.”The opening of Woodcreek Middle School for the 2010-11 academic year means Summerwood students in grades K-12 will attend new state-of-the-art campuses that are either onsite or only minutes away.Lakeshore Elementary opened in 2009, the same year that Summer Creek High opened. “Our first school, Summerwood Elementary, opened in 2004 and it keeps getting better and better, earning Exemplary status for two consecutive years now,” Webb said.To learn more about Partners in Building in Summerwood, contact us today at 281-225-4400 or visit our model home at 16415 Boulder Field Lane, Houston, TX 77044.