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Three Important Steps to Tackle Before Building On An Empty Lot

Building your own home on an empty lot seems like the perfect way to make dreams come true. You can create the perfect space from top to bottom, complete with your ideal floor plan, favorite flooring materials, and space to suit your family's needs. Many Central Texas residents are choosing to build their own homes since the population is growing, creating a need for more housing. But while building your own home can certainly be a rewarding experience, it is not a process that you want to rush into. In order to avoid complications down the road, make sure you tackle these three steps as you prepare to build on your lot. Of course, Partners in Building can help at every step along the way.

Step 1: Make Sure You Understand Local Zoning and Building Laws

The last thing you would want to do is have an illegal building constructed, or to have your builder tell you that your ideas are not a possibility because of zoning restrictions. Of course, your first step should be to verify that the lot you plan to build on is zoned for residential use. Beyond that, there are a few other elements to verify with the local Planning and Zoning Board:

  • How are the lots on either side of your lot zoned? If one or more bordering lots are zoned commercial or industrial, this may affect your building plans.
  • If you run a small business or have plans to in the future, is this permitted on the selected lot?
  • Are there specific restrictions as to the size of the home that can be built on the lot or the distance it must be from the street?
  • Are there any restrictions as to the type of materials that can and cannot be used?

Note that if you hire a builder who has experience in your local area, they should be familiar with the more specific building regulations in your municipality and can ensure they're followed during the design and building process. Still, it's important to take at least a brief look into these restrictions yourself so you're fully aware of any limitations from square one.

Step 2: Find a Builder With Expertise In Your Type of Land

Soil and land type varies throughout the Austin area. Some areas are dry and sandy, while others are wetter and more marshy. If you're not sure about the soil and land quality of your lot, a surveyor should be able to provide you with this information. Then, you should focus on finding builders with experience building on the type of land you have. 

Building on wet land is very different from building on a dry, sandy lot. Partners in Building has experience with your specific land type and will be better able to recommend changes to home structure and foundation structure to avoid leaks, shifting, and other common problems that can result when you build on your lot without considering the land quality.

Step 3: Be Open To Designing a Home That Works With The Land

Now that you've found an experienced builder, it's time to work with your building team to design a home that works with your land, rather than against it. For instance, if your lot is hilly, you'll want to create a home design that works with the natural slope of the land. If you have a beautiful view out your back window, you may want to include a picture window to capture that view and bring it into the living room.

It's best not to enter the home building process with too fixed an image of the "ideal home" in your head. Have a list of the basic qualities you want, but also be open to suggestions from your builder. Partners in Building can often draw on our experience to recommend unique solutions that work well for your specific location and situation.

Taking the time to think and prepare before you build on your lot can ensure that the end result is a home you love -- not one you come to abhor. Look into your local zoning laws, rely on our experience with your land type, and work with your builder rather that sticking to a fixed plan as you build on your lot. Your home will be standing tall before you know it.